

Breast lift, technically known as mastopexy, is a surgical technique that lifts the breasts to a pre-chosen height, tightens the skin, and reshapes the breasts as needed.


3800.00 €
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As you get older, the connective tissue in your breasts that help them keep their shape — stretch out. Also, breasts gradually change from having more breast tissue to having more fat, and this can make them appear less perky and even deflated looking. Breast Lift is advised for women who have saggy breasts and would like the same-sized breasts to be restored to a more youthful position.

About the procedure

The surgery can be performed from 18 years of age. Usually, plastic surgeons advise to undergo a breast lift in case the client does not plan any more pregnancies in the future. Breast Lift is performed under general anaesthetic. Reasons for getting a Breast Lift: Breast lift, technically known as mastopexy, is a surgical technique that lifts the breasts to a pre-chosen height, tightens the skin, and reshapes the breasts as needed. Pregnancy and the natural ageing process often affect the firmness of the breast; breast lift is an ideal technique to reverse this process. Breast uplift can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide on having surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. The best candidates for breast lift are women looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way they look. If you’re physically healthy and realistic in your expectations, you may be a good candidate.

Before, during & after

Before surgery: Pharmaceuticals containing acetylsalicylic acid (Acylpirin, Aspirin, and Anopyrin etc.) should not be used for 3 weeks before the Breast Lift cosmetic surgery, as they decrease clotting time of blood. In case you are a smoker you are advised to stop smoking or at least to cut down on cigarettes. Smoking slows down the recovery process and it can also increase a risk or complications.
Operation: The procedure is performed in an operating theatre under general anaesthetic, and lasts 2–3 hours. Our plastic surgeon uses classical stitches, which need to be removed in 10 days after the surgery. In order to achieve the desired shape, the plastic surgeon makes anchor-like incisions, creating a vertical line downwards from the areola (the coloured area around the nipple) and the horizontal line beneath breast. Through incisions plastic surgeon lifts the underlying breast tissue, reshapes and improves breast contour, firmness and relocates the areola. The areola, its blood vessels and nerves are repositioned together in most cases. The size of the areola can also be reduced, if necessary. The plastic surgeon will make the decision as to the most appropriate technique to use. The scars will not be visible in clothing or most swimwear. Immediately after the surgery the scars will be red, firm and raised. The scars will mature, fade, and soften within 3–12 months. Many scars fade and become nearly invisible, but others may become wide and raised. Final scar appearance cannot be predicted prior to surgery.
Recovery: The patient will usually remain at the clinic for 1 nights and will wear a compression bandage and a special surgical support bra. This bra is already included in the price of your cosmetic surgery. This bra should be worn at all times (even at night) for 14 days to 3 weeks. If a drain is introduced during the surgery, it is removed within 24 hours. The stitches are removed in 10 days after the surgery. It is not possible to sleep on the abdomen for a period of 5 weeks. Within a few days you can shower. When you will be released from the clinic you will be given instructions from the plastic surgeons how to exchange the dressings. Every 2–3 days we will take you for a free check-up to the clinic, so your plastic surgeon can keep an eye on your recovery. The patient will be able to resume everyday activities after a few days, but must avoid lifting objects over the head or making fast movements during the first 4–6 weeks. If you have small children who require a lot of lifting, you need to plan an additional help during the initial recovery period. The individual post-operative process is very important and the client can participate in that by following the instructions given by the plastic surgeon and the healthy diet. After 2 weeks, the patient can return to everyday activities, avoiding strong physical efforts. Any bruising and swelling will usually dissipate within 1–2 months. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): How will I feel after breast lift surgery? -You will probably feel tired, sleepy and suffer from pain especially in 1–3 days after the surgery. The plastic surgeon will also prescribe antibiotics as a prevention of any potential infection and also tablets for reducing the swelling. You might also feel unhappy after a few days. This is normal and is caused due to the stress, general anaesthetic, lack of patience with the healing problems, more pain than you expected or the fact that because you underwent breast uplift cosmetic surgery abroad you miss your home and family. Is the breast lift recovery painful? - According to our client’s experience, they do feel some pain, especially during the first days. However, when you will be leaving the clinic you will be prescribed painkillers by the plastic surgeon. You might also feel discomfort, swelling, heaviness and numbness in the areas where surgery was performed. What are the possible risks and complications? - The specific risks and the suitability of Breast Uplift for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation. All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally. Major complications are rare.

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