

Gynecomastia is a medical condition of enlarged breast tissues and a common condition among men, especially as they age.


2500.00 €
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Gynecomastia is a medical condition of enlarged breast tissues and a common condition among men, especially as they age. Discussing treatment options with our consultant can help you take charge of your health and body.

About the procedure

What is Gynecomastia? Both male and female of the species have breast tissue. At puberty, the breast develops, guided by hormones and genetic programming the breast evolves in its classical form into a female or a male breast. Some men have excessive fatty or glandular tissue and it causes the chest to swell up like a woman’s breast. This swelling up is referred to as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is generally painless and feels like a rubbery mass below the surface of the nipple and can be observed either unilaterally or bilaterally. Although Gynecomastia is painless, sometimes tenderness or sensitivity can be observed in the affected region. Reasons for getting a Male Breast Reduction: To determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery, your health history will be discussed. During the consultation, your consultant will take time to understand your goals and desires as well as review available techniques for treatment. Candidates for male breast reduction may be in their teenage years or fully grown adults.

Before, during & after

Before Surgery: To achieve the best results, our doctors usually combine liposuction with excisional techniques. Depending on the characteristics of the breast tissue, it may be excised through a small semicircular incision around the areola, after which liposuction is performed to sculpt and contour the surrounding soft tissue. The best results in gynecomastia surgery stem from proper liposuction contouring and expert breast tissue excision. Male breast reduction surgery can be performed as an outpatient procedure under general or local anaesthesia.
Operation There are two types of surgeries for gynecomastia: - Liposuction This surgery involves extraction of the breast fat through small skin incisions via suction technique. - Mastectomy Mastectomy is the surgical removal of the breast gland tissue from the body and is usually carried out for the treatment of breast cancer. For gynecomastia, subcutaneous mastectomy is performed through small incisions. The benefit of mastectomy is that it is low risk as compared to liposuction and allows patients to recover quickly.
Recovery: First off, you will be given support garments to wear during your recovery period. These garments assist the body during the healing process and reduce swelling and bruising. Other than that, the doctor will prescribe certain medications to keep you comfortable and pain-free. You may experience a tingling sensation near your nipples and areola for 3-4 months following the surgery. But it will not persist forever. The clinic will advise you to restrict your physical activity and take rest.

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